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Hysterics at What Parents Use Instead of the Naughty Step: ‘Upgraded’

The naughty step has been a fail-safe discipline tactic for decades, but one family has opted for another method after it failed to curb their kids’ behavior.
Parents Josh and Rachel Hopkins (known as @theehopkinsfamily on TikTok) were at a loss when their usual tactic of placing their kids on the naughty step stopped working. But thanks to a chance discovery in their fancy dress box, they found a solution that has gone viral on TikTok.
In the clip, 18-month-old Noah is mid-meltdown, only to be quickly diffused by the introduction of a black rockstar wig.
Josh Hopkins told Newsweek that he managed to catch both of his kids Noah and Sofia during their tantrums—usually over not sharing things —and recorded the result.
“Like all children, they can sometimes get a bit hot-headed even at the smallest of things but mostly when they struggle to share their toys,” the dad from South Wales, U.K., explained.
After being met with laughter when they put them on the naughty step, Josh and Rachel had to take matters into their own hands. Digging around in their box of dress-up costumes, the dad of two had a light-bulb moment.
“For some reason, when they started bickering, it came to me and I said, ‘Whoever continues will wear the wig for five minutes,’ and they both instantly stopped.
“To this day, me and my wife can’t believe it works and find it hysterical,” he told Newsweek.
Since it was posted on August 7, Hopkins’ clip has been viewed over 320,000 times and received hundreds of comments.
One TikTok user shared that they’ll be “taking notes,” while another called the video “iconic.”
“Feel like this would be affective classroom management, but apparently it’s ‘not good practice'” another quipped.
Speaking to the reaction online, Hopkins told Newsweek that many other people saw the humor in the wig, just as they did. He also appreciated others sharing their experiences from childhood.
“For example, someone said their parents made the siblings all wear a single XL T-shirt and made them hug it out. Once the peace was made, they could leave the T-shirt. Another good idea, but the wig is working for now,” Hopkins said.
One TikTok user observed Noah’s look was giving “naughty Brian May vibes.”
If you have a family dilemma, let us know via [email protected]. We can ask experts for advice, and your story could be featured on Newsweek.
